What is Kick Boxing

Kick boxing (in Japanese: キ ッ ク ボ ク シ ン グ) is a combat sport of Japanese origin and western development, in which boxing techniques are mixed with the kicking techniques of some martial arts such as karate and muay thai, being Thus related to the martial arts of the East. Although kickboxing is not considered a traditional formative martial art or gendai budō where it is sought for excellence, there are several opinions on whether it is a martial art or not. A kick boxing fighter is considered to be a very close competition for the other fighters of other styles of standing fighting, who practice other types of combat sports or martial arts, due to the great physical resistance, forcefulness and resistance to the blows of Your practitioners Currently, due to its practicality and forcefulness, it is one of the preferred and most popular systems in the development of the fight standing, being preferred by practitioners of mixed martial arts or MMA / AMM.
